

Consider this…
Even If you have an insurance claim for your residence, you can still select the company of your choice to do the replacement.
Mostly due to the beautiful mountains to the west, we live in a hail, wind, and storm affected area. This means some roofs in our area will more then likely need to be changed approximately every 10 years, compared to others in less affected areas roughly every 20 years. This being said some insurance companies refuse to cover roofs that are over ten years in age. Therefore it is advisable to read your insurance policy carefully.
Some renovation companies see hail storms as quick money. This is when buyer beware comes into play. Calgary is a booming city. A city known to have some spending money. So it’s no surprise that new roofing companies or “fly by night’s” as we call them pop up in a day and are knocking on your door.
You home is your investment. Protect that investment by choosing a reputable company that has been in business in Calgary for many years. I can remember about ten year ago Calgary had about 70 roofing companies, well just over the these last few years there been a influx there is now over 300. This has happened in the past after storms, and I know from experience that almost all of these pop up companies will be gone in the next year or sooner. So the bottom line is, if it seems like to good of a deal? It is!
At Hubbard Roofing and Exteriors we have been in Calgary the last 30 years. We’ve been through the many patterns of weather. Seen the pop up companies come and go, and all to often we even clean up after them. Our family of accomplished trade installers have continued with us throughout the years. And are always training the next generation of professional installers to come. At Hubbard Roofing & Exteriors we plan on being around for a long time to come.
So call us for your free inspection or estimate weather it’s insurance or not we are certified Inspectors, and would love to supply you with the finest in our industry.

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